Easy & Truly Affordable Healthcare

Alyssa Macaluso is committed to helping you live your best life. Redirect Health will help you get the care you need while spending less.

Your Health, Your Way:
Choose a Healthcare Plan That Fits You!

Discover EverydayCARE® - the healthcare plan that offers no-cost coverage for your most common needs giving you 24/7 access to care with less worry and more support.

Step 1: Select your coverage:

Step 2: Number of employees:

EverydayCARE® Routine Care

$0 routine care, 24/7 virtual visits, mental health, labs, chiropractic

Employee Only

$ 157 per month
Get Started

EverydayCARE® Hospital

Routine Care + hospital coverage, specialists, and imaging

Employee Only

$ 434 per month
Get Started

EverydayCARE® Hospital PLUS

Hospital + expanded labs, Rx benefits, reduced exclusions

Employee Only

$ 538 per month
Get Started
  • Virtual Primary Care (24/7/365)
  • In-Office Primary & Urgent Care
  • Pediatric Care
  • Annual Adult Physical3 & Well Child3
  • Chiropractic (12 free visits per year)
  • X-rays

$0 copay

Virtual and In-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$20 copay4

Out-of-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$50 copay5

In-Network or Out-of-Network Visit

without 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Labs - View Labs

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Mental Health Tele-Counseling

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Rx & Immunizations - View Formulary

Copays may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity, and dosage
Discount program - prices may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity & dosage with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Care Navigation Only

Appointment preparation, coordination, navigation, alternative funding management, and pre-negotiations
100% Member Responsibility

Excluded Services7

Pre-existing conditions, organ transplants, dialysis, skilled nursing, advanced psychiatric care and specialty and non-formulary medications

ACA Compliance

Satisfies Penalty A (MEC)

Minimum Employer Contribution

100% of Primary Member Only

Minimum Employer Participation

50% of Full-Time Employees

  • Virtual Primary Care (24/7/365)
  • In-Office Primary & Urgent Care
  • Pediatric Care
  • Annual Adult Physical3 & Well Child3
  • Chiropractic (12 free visits per year)
  • X-rays

$0 copay

Virtual and In-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$20 copay4

Out-of-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$50 copay5

In-Network or Out-of-Network Visit

without 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Labs - View Labs

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Mental Health Tele-Counseling

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Rx & Immunizations - View Formulary

Copays may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity, and dosage
Discount program - prices may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity & dosage with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Specialist Consults & Care

$50 member responsibility5

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$50 member responsibility5

MRI, PET, CT scans, ultrasound, mammogram and other imaging

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Hospital Care - Inpatient & Outpatient6

Individual - plan year

$2,000 initial member responsibility
20% co-share | $4,000 out-of-pocket max4

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Family - plan year

$4,000 initial member responsibility
20% co-share | $6,000 out-of-pocket max4

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Emergency Room

$500 + 20% member responsibility

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Excluded Services7

Pre-existing conditions, organ transplants, dialysis, skilled nursing, advanced psychiatric care and specialty and non-formulary medications

Care Navigation Only

Appointment preparation, coordination, navigation, alternative funding management, and pre-negotiations

ACA Compliance

Satisfies Penalty A (MEC)

Minimum Employer Contribution

50% of Primary Member Only

Minimum Employer Participation

50% of Full-Time Employees

  • Virtual Primary Care (24/7/365)
  • In-Office Primary & Urgent Care
  • Pediatric Care
  • Annual Adult Physical3 & Well Child3
  • Chiropractic (12 free visits per year)
  • X-rays

$0 copay

Virtual and In-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$20 copay4

Out-of-Network Office Visit

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$50 copay5

In-Network or Out-of-Network Visit

without 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Labs - View Labs

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$0 copay

Mental Health Tele-Counseling

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Rx & Immunizations - View Formulary

Copays may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity, and dosage
Discount program - prices may vary depending on pharmacy location, quantity & dosage with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Specialist Consults & Care

$50 member responsibility5

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

$50 member responsibility5

MRI, PET, CT scans, ultrasound, mammogram and other imaging

with 48 Hour Pre-Authorization

Hospital Care - Inpatient & Outpatient6

Individual - plan year

$2,000 initial member responsibility
20% co-share | $4,000 out-of-pocket max4

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Family - plan year

$4,000 initial member responsibility
20% co-share | $6,000 out-of-pocket max4

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Emergency Room

$500 + 20% member responsibility

(Non-Embedded Member Responsibility)

Excluded Services7

Pre-existing conditions, organ transplants, dialysis, skilled nursing, advanced psychiatric care and specialty and non-formulary medications

Additional chemotherapy

$30,000 sharing limit8


$10,000 sharing limit8

Skilled nursing

$5,000 sharing limit8

Air ambulance

$5,000 sharing limit8

Pre-existing exclusions apply

12 month look back

ACA Compliance

Satisfies Penalty A (MEC)

Minimum Employer Contribution

50% of Primary Member Only

Minimum Employer Participation

50% of Full-Time Employees

EverydayCARE® Group Benefit Summaries

Competitive recruitment. Increase retention. Lower healthcare spend. Better care.

With insurance premiums still on the rise, businesses across America have increasingly struggled to provide quality care for their employees. With Redirect Health your business can provide quality healthcare at a price you can actually afford.

Group of employees

Recruit Quality Employees

Looking for a competitive advantage in recruitment? With Redirect Health, you can continue to offer healthcare to potential employees which helps attract the very best talent. A prime recruiting tool in place at a fraction of the cost.

Group of employees

Retain Your Best People

Healthcare is important to your employees. Increase satisfaction and improve retention by providing your team with a FREE healthcare option.

Group of employees

Cap Out-of-Pocket Costs

Protect your employees from outrageous medical bills. Give them peace of mind knowing their healthcare includes a low deductible and out-of-pocket max.

Is Redirect Health the right solution for your business?

We provide easy to manage solutions for your employees.

  • Manage your Roster
  • Control invoice accuracy
  • Build your job candidate growth pool
  • Prevent unnecessary workers comp costs and protect E-MOD
  • Always get the Right Care at the Right Price

Plan Features

Your Membership Includes

National Direct Primary Care

Virtual and in-office visits

24-Hour Concierge

Call | Text | App English & Spanish


Protection against high-dollar medical expenses

Labs and Immunizations

Never pay more
than you should

Prescription Discount Program1

We’ll help fill your prescriptions at a fair price


Includes 12 in-office visits per year

Mental Health

No Cost Tele-Counseling

Right Care at
the Right Price

Never pay more
than you should

In/Out of Network Flexibility

Freedom to choose
your own provider

  • 1 This program is an ERISA self-funded insurance plan managed by Redirect Health. See program guide for details. Routine care can always be $0 when Redirect Health prepares your appointment. This overview is intended only as an illustration of the benefit plan design. Please refer to your Plan Document for actual coverage, limitation, and exclusion provisions.
  • 2 Any doctor who accepts the Redirect Health Usual, Customary & Reasonable (UCR) Agreement can be in-network.
  • 3 Routine physical/exam; gynecological exam; mammogram; pap smear; prostate testing(PSA); other routine lab and immunizations. In-network routine endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, vision or hearing screening for children, and x-ray will also be included at no cost (with authorization) when required by provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Visit www.hrsa.gov for all Minimum Essential Coverage as outlined by the Affordable Care Act.
  • 4 Deductible, coinsurance and copay counts toward max out-of-pocket on eligible benefits only.
  • 5 Maximum allowable is 140% of Medicare allowable.
  • 6 A Redirect Health medical professional will interact with specialist on the members behalf.
  • 7 Pre-authorization REQUIRED for ALL NONEMERGENCY Care.
  • 8 See Summary Plan Document (SPD).
  • 9 ALE Minimum contribution is the greater of 50% of employee only or 8.39% (2024).