National Coverage in all 50 states
Redirect Health partners with medical and surgical centers across all 50 states to provide you with access to medical care that is both convenient and affordable. We also partner with PHCS to add over 700,000 doctors into our nationwide network. When our Care Logistics Team determines your medical need requires an in-person visit, these partnerships allow us to provide you with plans on an open network, so you can continue to see your provider when necessary.
Redirect Health EverydayCARE® Members
Redirect Health plan members can access care nationwide and can visit any of our Arizona Valleywide Medical Centers. To schedule a virtual or in-office visit, simply download the app, call, or text us first.
Download the App | 888-407-7928
Medicare, Insurance, or Cash Pay?
Schedule a same day/next day virtual primary care appointment with a Redirect Health provider. Simply give us a call to get on the schedule!