Download the Member App

The Redirect Health Member App is the easiest way to contact our Care Logistics Team so they can get to work getting you the care you need. You can also call or text our team at 888-407-7928. In case of an emergency, please call 911 and contact us when you can.

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Receive Care in All 50 States

You’ll have access to Redirect Health-partnered healthcare facilities in all 50 states to ensure you get the the care you need – when you need it. We maintain a truly open network, so you get to keep your preferred medical provider. Simply contact the Redirect Health Team and they’ll schedule a Virtual Primary Care or in-person visit based on your needs.

Arizona Medical Centers

Redirect Health has four medical centers in Arizona to choose from, all within the Phoenix Metro Area. Our qualified medical providers specialize in primary care, pain and injury management, rehabilitation, cardiology and more. We promise always to put your needs first and provide the best possible care when stepping foot into any of our clinics.