Even With A Serious Condition, You Have Choices

When you are diagnosed with a serious condition, everything changes. Redirect Health is here to help you navigate through the entire process so you and your family understand all of your options and can make educated decisions. There is rarely only one pathway when you are diagnosed with a serious condition. Through our Second Opinion telehealth consultation program you will be connected with Redirect Health’s Medical Director, exact specialists and doctors who will work together to ensure you know everything you need to know to develop the right plan for you. 



We do the preparation work for you. Redirect Health’s expert serious condition care team will work with your doctors to prepare for your Second Opinion telehealth consultation with an exact specialist. First, we schedule every appointment including x-rays, MRI’s, lab work and any other test you may need. Then we provide your specialists and doctors with all of the test results.



You will join a live video telehealth consultation with Redirect Health’s Medical Director and the appropriate exact specialist as they discuss your options and choices for the best care outcome. Our team of trusted doctors are by your side as the various testing and treatment pathways options are discovered.  

You have the option of inviting anyone you want, including family members or other doctors, to the virtual discovery appointment. The meeting will also be recorded so you can watch and share with whomever you wish.  


Decide Together

When it comes to making decisions about your health, there is no rush. Take the time you need to process everything you learned, then discuss all of your options and choices with Redirect Health’s Medical Director. Together you can decide what makes the most sense for you.  

If you or a family have been diagnosed with a serious condition, schedule a Second Opinion telehealth consultation today.