Over the last handful of years, countless people have started working remotely—some employers have offered a remote work model to ensure safety and seclusion in response to global events. Nevertheless, a remote work model provides other noteworthy benefits, such as acquiring talent from different areas or saving money by cutting back on office space. Regardless of each employer’s reasoning, the prevalence of remote work has drastically increased.
Much like many other industries, the healthcare landscape is rapidly changing with the enhanced integration of technology. Health insurance companies have begun integrating technology into their health insurance policies and plans to make administrative processes simpler and accessing care more convenient.
Telemedicine has become increasingly popular in the past few years due to its added convenience compared to traditional health insurance, providing vast potential for small businesses.
Telehealth provides the option for patients to access appointments with a healthcare provider from wherever they are through a computer or device. Virtual care comes with several benefits for patients and providers alike. With less of the stress of commuting, scheduling appointments, and blocking out time to connect with a healthcare provider is far easier. Providers also save time and money with fewer rescheduled appointments.
Trips and falls can be life-changing for seniors, disabled people, or those living with chronic conditions. That’s why medical alert systems that have fall detection can prove to be invaluable.
Running a physician practice means wearing different hats — sometimes a challenge when patient care takes most of a doctor’s time. For a practice to thrive, it is important to track, measure and address specific benchmarks.
Dr. Janice Johnston, MD, is co-founder and Medical Director of Redirect Health. She oversees all medical operations as well as the patient experience, spearheading efforts to enhance quality care while improving administrative efficiencies.
For many businesses, offering healthcare benefits to employees is challenging at best, impossible at worst. Over the last 10 years, the cost of healthcare skyrocketed increasing twice as fast as worker wages. Historically, this left countless employers faced with the reality that providing healthcare benefits to employees was not always a viable option.
Being able to access healthcare while on the road is crucial for industries like trucking. Redirect Health understands these needs, so whether you are 2 or 2,000 miles from home, your care is always just one call away. To learn more about what we offer, read the full Overdrive Trucking story here.